



Marketing provides a way for companies to communicate to competitors, customers and 供应商. 学生 learn digital marketing, data analytics and market research. 他们 also acquire the increasingly demanding technical skills required to excel in today’s rapidly changing business environment.


  • 社会和数字媒体分析师
  • 销售经理
  • 产品开发经理
  • 市场研究者
  • Advertising and promotions specialist


惊喜! Marketing Turns Out to Be ‘Totally Me’


乔西阿尔宾 didn’t exactly find marketing as her major. 它找到了她.

她意外地来到南方. In high school, she represented Kansas at the national finals of the Distinguished Young Women scholarship program, held in Mobile. “我完全 fell in love with Mobile and just everything down here — the culture, the climate, 我见到的那些人.”

She received a Mitchell 学者hip and entered 南 with 50 dual-enrollment credits 从高中开始. As a freshman, she got a call from the college’s Marketing and 沟通s 办公室.

“他们 asked if I would help them with marketing, especially digital marketing. 我说, “是的,我很乐意这么做.’”


“Mobile surprised me, marketing surprised me, but both in the best of ways.”


At first, she worked mostly on social media. 相当程. “我真的很兴奋 when they asked if I would start writing some content, because writing is something 我非常喜欢. 他们 did a really good job of finding my strengths and interests 演奏这些音乐.”

Soon Albin realized that “marketing was totally me, through and through.一个夏天 在堪萨斯州的一份工作.S. 参议院竞选团队证实了这一点. “这都是营销手段 too, just applied in a different way.”

So she became a double major in marketing and finance (the latter because of a finance 启发了她的课程). In addition to taking marketing classes, she continued managing social media and creating marketing content as an intern for the college. “I have recently been doing a lot of recruitment and outreach.”

Long term, “the intersection between marketing and politics” interests Albin. 那么 pursuing a graduate degree, preferably an MBA.

“Mobile surprised me, marketing surprised me, but both in the best of ways. 我不能 有更好的计划吗.”


  • Spending around $650 billion annually, the marketing and advertising industry is experiencing higher job growth than the average for all occupations.
  • 市场营销是赚钱的. 美国.S. Small Business Administration recommends that companies spend 7% to 8% of gross revenue for marketing and advertising.
  • The rise in social media and digital marketing has created a demand for marketing managers and mixed-media specialists. The industry is projected to add approximately 19,000 jobs by 2029, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局.



Dr. 阿尔文·J. 威廉姆斯
Department of Marketing and Quantitative Methods
(251) 461-1792

Curriculum and Degree Requirements

