

1. 目的

The 道德及合规热线 policy outlines a process for individuals doing work for or on behalf of the 十大玩彩信誉平台 (USA) to raise good faith concerns involving observed or suspected violations of state or federal law or regulation, 或美国的政策或程序.

2. 适用性

This Policy applies to all Divisions of the 十大玩彩信誉平台 (USA), 大学一般分部, 和美国卫生, and pertains to all individuals doing work for or on behalf of the University, 包括董事, 军官, 以及其他组织的志愿者. Although primarily intended for employees, the 道德及合规热线 is also available for use by students if they wish to report violations of federal or state law, 或者大学政策.

3. 定义

善意披露: Means disclosure of University-related misconduct made with a belief in the truth of the disclosure that a reasonable person in the whistleblower’s situation could have believed based upon the facts. A disclosure is not 真诚地 if made with reckless disregard, or willful ignorance of facts that would disprove the disclosure. A report does not have to be proven true to be made 真诚地.

大学的不当行为: Includes any activity by an individual doing work for or on behalf of the University that is undertaken in the performance of the individual’s work-related duties, whether or not such action is taken within the scope of the individual’s employment, that is a violation of any state or federal law or regulation, 或大学的政策或程序, including academic or research misconduct, 利益或承诺的冲突, 腐败, 贿赂, 盗窃或滥用大学财产, 欺诈性索赔, 欺诈, misappropriation of University or other agency funds, 强迫, 歧视, 性骚扰, 侵犯公民权利, 侵犯患者隐私, breach of any person’s personal identifying information, and other illegal or improper practices.

爆料: Means good faith reporting of real or perceived University-related misconduct.

告密者: Is any individual doing work for or on behalf of the University who, 真诚地, reports real or perceived University-related misconduct. Whistleblowers do not include complainants who raise issues or concerns through the normal course and scope of the individual’s business-related duties.

4. 政策指导方针

USA is committed to maintaining an environment where individuals doing work on behalf of the University are free to raise good faith concerns about alleged improper or wrongful activity. Individuals are encouraged to report suspected violations of state or federal law or regulation, 或美国的政策或程序, and to provide truthful information in connection with any official inquiry or investigation.

USA encourages all subjects of this policy to first report concerns to one’s direct supervisor (direct chain of command). If for some reason a USA subject does not have confidence their immediate supervisor is addressing an issue appropriately, or fears retaliation for reporting an issue, USA maintains an 道德及合规热线 which features the ability to report anonymously.

5. 程序

Reports of suspected violations of law or policy and reports of retaliation will be investigated promptly and in a manner intended to protect confidentiality as circumstances allow. Methods for reporting University-related misconduct or retaliation include:

  • 致自己的直属上司;
  • 致合规办公室;
  • 发给人力资源部,或;
  • 致道德 & 合规热线.

道德 & 合规热线 can be accessed as follows:

An investigation into reports of misconduct will be conducted by the individual designated in the applicable University policy, 或由道德规范决定 & 合规热线委员会. Findings of University-related misconduct will be dealt with pursuant to the University’s policies and procedures.

道德 & 合规热线 offers anonymous reporting capability, but strongly encourages anonymous reporters to utilize their unique user name and chosen password provided by the Hotline in order to return to their report, 通过网络或电话, and add more detail or answer questions posed by the assigned investigator. This process aids in necessary clarification / follow-up via an “anonymous dialogue.” The University will explore anonymous allegations to the extent possible, but will weigh the prudence of continuing such investigations against the likelihood of confirming the alleged facts or circumstances from attributable sources.

Individuals bringing forth allegations which are not made 真诚地 may be subject to disciplinary action independent of this Policy. Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Office of Compliance.

6. 执行

The Office of Compliance is responsible for this policy and seeks to assure all members of the USA community are aware of the policy, 并遵守它.

7. 相关文档

Non-Retaliation政策 (教员手册,第1部分.5.11,第12页)

非报复 (《十大玩彩信誉平台》第4节.8)
